
Marketing and Sales

How you can use today’s tools to get the word out about your restaurant company to draw new customers and build repeat business.


Do I Need A Loyalty And Marketing Program?

Do I Need A Loyalty And Marketing Program?

To compete in today’s marketing, where customers want to feel connected to the businesses they deal with, here’s why having a loyalty program is key to retaining customers. Do you need a loyalty program? The simple answer is Yes. Your competitors are getting them, the...

What People Are Saying About You…

What People Are Saying About You…

All Business Owners hear from customers who are happy with what you provide them. Here’s a tip you can take to the bank All Business Owners hear from customers who are happy with what you provide them. Here’s a tip you can take to the bank. When they say something, or...

Activity vs. Productivity

Activity vs. Productivity

Most restaurant owners work long hard hours and are VERY busy and take few vacations, if any. However, I know some very successful restaurant owners that take at least a month off every year all at once. Their restaurants keep churning out money while they are...