Monitoring and managing customer feedback is critical to business success. Customer feedback provides insights into the customer experience, allowing you to improve operations, user experience, customer service, and all other functions of your restaurant.

Today, there is a lot of customer feedback scattered all over the Internet- on online review sites, on social media, even in the feedback forms of your website. And a lot of it is unstructured, too-meaning, there are no questions to guide customers in what they say (like in a survey), so they say what they feel with an honesty that remains unmatched. Just look at Yelp for example.

Feedback often contains valuable information about the customer, but it can be hard for businesses to know where to start when analyzing feedback and can successfully extract actionable data: a way to make sense of the written words.

To begin with, it can be difficult to search for and find all your customers’ feedback, especially in today’s age of social media and online reviews. Trying to know about and listen to every customer driven conversation about your company across the whole planet would seem impossible.

Your customer experience is the determining factor of your restaurant’s success and today’s most important business benchmark, which is why it must be the focus of every part of your company. Success comes when you can effectively manage and improve the relationship between your restaurant and the customer, at every touchpoint across the customer journey.

By capturing and understanding customer feedback, you can determine whether you are providing an experience that your customers love.

Customers want to feel. They are people like you and me, after all. They want to have an emotional connection. They want to get excited and they want to be inspired.

They want an experience at your restaurant they’ll remember.

By managing customer feedback, your restaurant can more easily identify and develop a strong community of advocates for your business: customers who promote your restaurant through word of mouth, online.

How does all this relate to customer feedback? By tuning in to what your customers are saying, you can put them at the center of your restaurant and better understand their wants, needs, and expectations at every step of the customer journey.